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Most of us can relate to feeling stressed at times and perhaps even more so currently with the state of the world, our country and the onset of unexpected, worldwide health challenges. In the book, From Stressed to Centered, A Practical Guide to a Healthier and Happier You, co-authors Dan Guerra, Psy.D. and Dana Gionta, Ph.D., provide you with the nuts and bolts of how stress operates in the nervous system and practical tools on how to self-assess and to address stress so that you can manage it better in daily life. Additionally, the tools you learn to manage stress more effectively are boosted by self-care tips and strategies that focus on learning the signals for when your attention needs to turn toward caring for self and to understand and implement healthy interpersonal boundaries. If the negative aspects of stress have impacted your life, move toward a life of staying centered, and take a look at this well reviewed and acclaimed book available here: